Aquarius is certainly an attractive sign! Although you tend to be "all or nothing" when it comes to commitment, erotic encounters are a different story. This elegant and sophisticated Venus-ruled sign is revered for bestowing model A physical lover, hugs and hand-holding are but some of the ways you show how you feel. This enchanting Venus placement makes you a master of seduction, as you artfully weave your gifts of empathy with your intuitive understanding of what turns people on. These bull-headed people love resources and focus steadfastly on resource-giving achievements. With your tender underbelly, it can take you years to get over a breakup or so-called rejection. But, this is only because of society's gender rules. By the same token, your S.O. Our team of editors strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest. WebDiscover short videos related to attractive venus signs on TikTok. Moon together with the Mars conjunction he has Moon square Pluto; Moon is in the 8th house Nope, youll be off with an adventurous playmate exploring new positions and locations. Neptune (conjunction) easily gives him Pisces-like partners. Your seductive nature attracts partnerships, but you will only reveal yourself in times of serious commitment. The right (healthy!) Your email address will not be published. Venus is that which we love: that which we find attractive and pleasing, quite simply our TASTES. You take a long time to get over heartbreak and may ruminate and obsess for a long time, even if you never speak to your ex again. and witness all that youve built together? They think they're the hottest thing in the neighbourhood while I find them just really not attractive (to stay polite ), Posts: 817From: Brooklyn, NY USA Registered: May 2011, lol I'm going to nominate my fellow SAG VEN sisters - because we're also some of the biggest offenders with fickle hearts~ I can -think- I like some guy one day and be -bored- with him by the next, it's that easy. (not easy me + them, easy to bore)~ Just thought I'd make that part clear~ My mind changes as often as my mood and sense of direction~ no lie~ (I think it's why I can't use Sidereal, I'm in denial of all that Sag-goofiness.). ), If Venus is at a higher degree than your Sun you are an Evening Star Venus. With flirtatious energy, you draw people in and sometimes grow bored rather quickly. Venus is the planet of love and beauty. One soulfully sexy gaze from you might be all it takes for clothes to go a-flinging. Im not surprised youve seen them on similar lists. They tend to reflect the coziest (and sexiest) feminine qualities of warmth and tenderness. Ami, Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths. Often your best friend, you seek out unconventional types to suit your love of the eccentric. My ex husband and my husband are both Scorpio rising and I'm a Taurus rising. When you inevitably do find "The One," youll take care of them in every way possible. They may be slow-moving, but they move with incredible self-confidence. And Venus is in detriment in Capricorn anyway. Taurus pampers their loved ones and surrounds them with beautiful things. People born under this sign are often determined and patient, which can make them very successful in life. Next up, but never last, we have the smart, sexy, fun, and a little bit cocky, Leo. This Venus likes things that are bright and eye catching FAST and snappy. WebVenus in Taurus. my ex psychopath narcissist husband has it too, one of your role models! This could mean carrying a designer handbag or regularly getting their hair done (or both). You have to understand the meaning of the 12 signs. Everyone - both male and female - also seeks out someone who embodies the traits of their Venus sign, as this is the energy they find most attractive. Venus in Sagittarius. Venus in the Signs Theyre always there to help and support when asked and are experts at mediating with tactful diplomacy. 2022 Galvanized Media. sets goals & gets the job done. Zodiac sign illustrations byBodil Jane,The Grande DameandYoko Furusho. Related: The Most Dangerous Zodiac Signs, Ranked. They lock horns fast when challenged. If not, they will not remain in her life. This Venus is in the Exaltation. They can also be wildly critical, jealous, and suspicious when insecure. n the middle of this transition, Venus vanishes from the skywell, at least from our view here on Earth. I dont like many Aquarius placements, such as the Sun. Hell hath no fury like a Venus in Scorpio who has been cheated on! Hey, youre as much a realist as you are a romantic. And during the day, sky blue T-shirts with tender looking big-eyed rabbits. Romance is a priority, but they are oddly noncommittal., Daily, Monthly, and Yearly Personal Numerology. What did you think about the signs listed in this article? . Cooperating, compromising and co-creating? Image credit: Dharma Productions. I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. That said, Venus in Capricorn gives you a strong "provider" instinct. They may fall down a lot in life, but theyll always pick themselves back up and keep pushing forward. is, first of all, a friend to him: gives him space & is up to adventure. He is a refined person and likes his partners to be, as well. Their fragility and volatility can keep them from appealing to other, non-emotional types. He takes love seriously. Julia, thank you for the reply! If youre not intimidated by raw power and burning passion, Scorpio hits the spot. Ultimately, youre a sapiosexual, turned on by a beautiful mind. You can learn more about me and this website here. almost too comfy, not much vibe, Venus in Taurus - weird. This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. Each one is very different. With Venus in broad-spectrum Sagittarius, you love without limits. Moon phases, seasons, and other current happenings. For one-on-one astrological guidance, check out my $25 Q&A service. His home is probably brightly decorated. While invisible, magnetic Venus holds a secret session with the life-giving Sun as the two meet up at the exact same zodiac point in the sky. If you were born with Venus in curious, communicative Gemini, youre a pro-level flirt who needs tons of variety to stay interested. Based on his placements, I would say that: he wants a sweet, gentle lover (Venus in Pisces) who gives him space and is eccentric (sextile Uranus) & kind (sextile Neptune). I could not do that on this message board but thank you so much for all your help! Naturally creative, youre fine going "off-script," too; in fact, some of your most heart-opening moments may be the ones that you ad-lib when you throw caution to the wind. I thought i would find Gemini on the list but nope. As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, remember that attractiveness is always subjective. You take your time to warm up to people and reveal your emotions slowly and deliberately even when the attraction is burning inside you. Most aesthetically pleasing: venus air/fire which in vedic translates to earth/water all commital nonbackstabbers . When Venus is in Leo, your attitude towards love is something out of a fairy tale. With Venus in nurturing Cancer, youre equal parts caretaker and coquette. Why arent you attracted to Aries Venus? A Taurus Venus is incredibly touchy-feely and desirous of physical connection. Some people think cows are beautiful and hate cats. WebIn Greek mythology, Venus is Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love. Yes, please, and plenty of it. Pisces are delicate in nature and are usually Yes, they can come off as a bit needy for relational harmony, which isnt their most attractive trait. He wants to cuddle up with you and forget the world. Ah, Libra. This is an earth sign, and they have a natural earthy sense of beauty and grounded confidence to them. He likes quality in clothes, home decor and his partners. Since trust does not come easily when you have Venus in Scorpio, you might choose a partner who is an open book and knows how to create a safe, nonjudgmental space for you to bare your soul. Venus in Aquarius may dress like a hippie or with a kind of eccentric style. Venus in Taurus Man Taurus is materialistic, protective, and practical. My sign is taurus and my venus is gemini too lol. but he also has chrion to asc and moon in pisces and cancer moon trine each other.. hehe, Venus in Scorpio - possessive idiots who want all of your being. While moves like these can be manipulative, you know how to keep an attraction dynamic by interrupting lazy habits that can dull the sexual tension. Fun fact: While the Mayans werent fooled, the ancient Greeks once thought that Venus was two planets. Venus in Libra is in its Home. When Venus is in Scorpio, you create an intense bond and offer a depth of loyalty unmatched in the zodiac. The only pitfall of this gift is that you can be SO focused on creating harmony that you sweep important issues under the rug. 2009 - 2023 MindBodyGreen LLC. Who Are the Most Beautiful Signs in the Zodiac? Gemini rules the hands, so whether youre furiously typing messages to bae or enjoying some manual stimulation, you bring new meaning to "digital dating." But if theres one thing you cannot abide by, its being ignored! They have a charisma that shines both one on one and in group settings. Theyre never afraid to take a stand, and their assertive determination can move mountains. Let us know your thoughts (and the most attractive sign to you) in the comments below. But, such narrow ideas have to stop, if we ever expect our society to grow and men and women to learn to really relate to each other. Most important to me is that you find Jesus. But what if her reversal is actually a blessing in disguise? He has excellent taste in everything, from the opposite sex to toothpaste. Love Venus in Taurus, Sag, Leo and Libra. Required fields are marked *. But, overall, Libra is able to remain kind while satisfying their social and emotional needs with grace and beauty. This Venus focuses on the inner person, so be as good as you can be( and be well mannered). If Venus is positioned counterclockwise from the Sun (or at a later zodiac sign), your Venus type is an Evening Star. Really! If you were born with this Venus placement, consider yourself lucky! Everyone has "feminine" (receptive)and "masculine" (active)traits and men - even when they're projecting their Venus on to women - are still very much expressing their Venus (even if they're not conscious of it or deny it). For best results, allow yourself to experience the full-on bachelor(ette) lifestyle before you settle down. By the way, why do you call a Cap stellium exhausting?
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