It burns well and forms a nice ash. I spent hours getting my smoked salmon perfect. The latakia is smooth, even at 75%. The tobacco smokes evenly, and burns to a white ash afterwards. I added 2 lbs. Since it is a lat bomb, obviously Latakia is the star player here and pretty much what you are going to get. This is Latakia heaven, and it is sublime. The Latakia is of inferior quality and the blend opposes itself to the point of the abusing the poor sucker who smokes it. Try it! Still, it's a pretty impressive cake and it pairs best with a cup of two day old black coffee (which I'm also fond of), or a guinness. Overall, I do recommend it for what it is. Pirate Kake starts very spicy with pine smoke and leather flavors and supports only a minimum of sweetness. It's very mild and I wasn't pleased with it after my first try but I have to say: you must take it slowly because it's really something!Anyway, you can use it also for blending il you need a richer smoke.I like it and I will love it, I'm sure. Its a circus sideshow blend, taking its place on stage next to the Bearded Lady and Mr. Lifto (google him, kids.) I smoke only virginias and perique blends. Purchased From: a gift from IMHO it is more like a blending tobacco. I'll be honest, its re ally not for me. It is also an understatement. The dark and light leaf are easily distinguishable by sight. I don't notice the Burley at a sip, which is fine, since I'm not a Burley fan. I think the blend meets the goal of a fine tobacco that is easy for most to enjoy. I still don't see this as an all day smoke , but I will buy again. If I could describe this blend in one word it would be creamy. I could almost imagine this as a Latakia lovers perfect morning smoke, whereas I had it more in mind as the last smoke of the day. This is a pretty powerful blend that has plenty of flavor as well as Vitamin N. The tin note reminds me of leather and farmland. For a while I drifted away from the Smokey One, as my taste buds craved more complex blends. Made with the Latakia lover in mind, Pirate Kake is a pressed blend from Cornell & Diehl with medium strength and a substantial taste. In my opinion, Pirate Kake is missing the added character, or that little bit of something extra that's needed to elevate it to the status of other top-shelf blends in its class. But it really is a good tasting tobacco. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Pipe Tobacco Can - 2oz Item# 2324 $14.95 Availability: Usually ships the next business day Total Price: Qty: A smooth, robust blend with LOTS (75%!) Immediately I enjoyed it, Latakia amount is high, and tastes excellent. My have times changed, and so has my taste in tobacco blends. First, I was delighted upon opening to find a pressed cake. It lit ok and burned fairly well. yes, I am in lust at the moment, but love might follow. A cigar is to be enjoyed. This one is just not for me. PK provides a phenomenal five-star strength, a four-star room note, with a five-star taste. But I didn't throw it out and instead kept the small plastic bag in a drawer. Its over 70% Latakia, so if youre not into Latakia, this probably isnt the blend for you. It can be a bit tough to get lit though. NOTHING. It is impossible to keep lit. It isn't a very sophisticated, subtle or multidimensional tobacco, and it isn't suited for all-day consumption (in spite of the relatively low nicotine content). Absolutely luscious! This is the closest thing I have found to Latakia heaven at a bulk price. Ive had a few tobaccos from C&D and this is by far my favorite. An ode to Cyprian Latakia if there ever was one. Truly a blend for Latakia aficionados. Similar Blends: Bengal Slices (sort of ). I get so much peppery spice out of this I could only smoke half a bowl before I had to call it quits. Brings me to another time and place. The smoke was heavy yet disappeared quickly, but whether I sipped or puffed it stayed heavy until half way down the bowl when it grew even thicker and did not disappear. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Premium Pipe Tobacco Wonderful pressed cake is just right for the cellar and aging. Pipes. I tend to think either C&D is using some very old Latakia or that this blend is not 70% Latakia. The mixture is creamy, dry, woodsy and with a lot of peat accents. This is the kind of smoke you'd like after eating a big steak. I found it an intriguing taste, but my wife would have kicked me off the state if she had had the opportunity. I received an neat little 1/2 ounce cube of this as a gift from in an order that I had placed. Not for anyone shy about Latakia, nicotine, or burley. I have a Savinelli 320 and a Peterson System Standard that I ONLY smoke Pirate Kake in. Thats how good this stuff is. A brownie of cyprian latakia - 70% (!) fix this is a great place to go. Latakia is out front with maybe a hint of vanilla hidden way , way, way in the background. Absolutely no indication of bite even when puffing vigorously. As for the room note unfortunately even though I always smoke outside, some wafted in and my girl friend was not too happy but I was, ha. This is a great blend. I cannot imagine a more mellow Latakia dominated blend. Probably it is the little Burley content in Pirate Kake which makes it my personal favourite among these Latakia-thunderbolts. Warning this has been described to me as smelling like "cats that being lit on fire". It has a pleasant aftertaste. Its like setting a pine forest on fire inside your mouth. A must for all Latakiaphiles! I definately recommend Pirate Cake, although my experience is limited with this blend. You may even liken this to a creosote and tar aroma. Cornell & Diehl Haunted Bookshop Cake Pipe Tobacco Theyre just a better smoke. I can't imagine that response in the morning or afternoon. of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. No issues tasting this bad boy! I recommend this to any Latakia fan, and for anyone looking for a warm blend to smoke on a cold winter day. I smoke mostly Aromatics and got this as a free sample. Thanks to C&D, all the reviewers, SmokingPipes, and AbeIve been waiting for this!!!! Right next to SPC Mississippi River and Plum Pudding. Taste like how it smells. Having recently transitioned from cigar smoking to the hobby of pipe smoking (five months ago), I am still testing the waters of the masses of pipes and tobaccos available. Great for one of those times that you don't want to think about the smoke while doing other things. The initial flavors are of sweet latakia and incense like orientals. Superb taste and smell! The strong Latakia flavor basically wipes out any hint of the other tobaccos. It is too much, after a few minutes of it my senses numbed. Woody sweet, unlike the charisma tic strong and musty sweetness of Cyprian. Shopping. This blend is a real treat. Very delicious. Totally my own fault : ). If I were making an algorithm, I'd be able to tease out who is being pumped by some reviewers vs those doing it for love of hobby. This is what this blend is supposed to do so I knew going in I would experience this. In addition, although the jarred cubes I had saved became a little dry, moistening them with about a shot's worth of golden rum per half pound will yield a blend that has neither equal nor counterpart. I love this blend. Latakia in capital letters, but smooth, evenly burning, never to harsh. Just yesterday I had some Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramels, and I immediately thought of those when I emblazoned a bowl of Pirate Kake for the first time (Buttery smooth caramels, drenched in Belgian dark chocolate, then sprinkled with crunchy rock salt from the Dead Sea). I didnt break it up well enough and it tasted. not good. Copious amounts of latakia doubtful you'll taste much of anything else. Aug 30, 2018. I like to pack it a bit more moist than usual as I find that releases more of the flavor. Just beware of the extremely strong room note: while not particularly nasty (unless you hate latakia), its ghost will haunt your house for many days, haunting your house!!! It was a bit boring as there was no distinct taste for my buds. Comparisons are almost always inadequate and mistakenly imply some presumtion of superiority. A Latakia lovers stand by for me. A blast o' latakia smoke and sweetness that never gives quarter. This mixture is now on my favourites list. Once I broke off a chunk, rubbed it out and let it sit a day or two; boy does it have a great spicey hearth fire scent! This is the single greatest Latakia blend on the market. This is THE blend for the latakia lover! Right up my alley as I burn wood to heat the house. Very pretty to look at, and I enjoyed carving the "big brownie" into "little brownies" with an Alaskan chopping bowl blade. Tried this for the first time today. Leaves Penzance (also 5 stars) a mile behind. Pirate Cake has 22% THC. A very straight and narrow taste profile with hardly any change. Put a pinch in a very large bowl of mature Virginia and youll have something nice, but by itself its just nasty. I enjoyed it because of that. So, as an amateur pipe smoker, I have discovered with the help of this blend (and a few others) that I am apparently a Latakia-phile. the sweetness of the cavendish cut burley seems a perfect low key accompaniment to all those dark smoky flavours I want from the lat and orientals. WOW, smooth and smokie (mild no heat just rich flavor). I got a sample from a friend and was very grateful, but I wont be purchasing any of this, just not something I would not smoke often at all. I must confess I bought this tobacco because I liked the name and the graphic. It does smoke cool with no bite. Stay tuned for the results. This left no moisture in the bowl. I smoked a tin then I bought a pound. And even then it took me a while to admit there were other tobaccos present. Pirate Kake delivers a whopping dollop of 75% Latakia in the blend. They have the Latakia and Burley playing so well together in this blend. Nice and creamy latakia, indeed. Adding to cart The item has been added. Upon returning to my sun porch I was struck with the room note: as smoky as if one had spent all night tending a charcoal fire preparing a Carolina Pig Pickin'. Without risk of being accused of hyperbole, I can categorically say that, if I were forced to only smoke Pirate Kake for the rest of my life, I'd be absolutely fine with that. The only heavy latakia blend I like better is CAO old ironside. I'm a big latakia fan, but this was even too much for me. There is power in this kake. Spicey,hints of sweetness,SMOKEY,complex.Darn good!!! Don't know what made me think to do this but I loved it, there, in the background. There's something about the experience that's like drinking neat tea. I would recommend letting it dry for perhaps twenty minutes after breaking it up as the bars can be very moist. It's quite easy to peel off the cake layer and get it ready for smokable condition. Cornell & Diehl Bayou Morning Flake Pipe Tobacco - I started smoking pipes a couple years ago with those pouches you could get out of stores and nothing against those tobacco are the people that smoke them just thought something was missing I finally found this smoking website ordered a tin of nightcap and that was my 1st real true experience with great tinned tobacco and that was my 1st while moment smoking a pipe while now you can't get nightcap anymore and I was looking for that wow again and just happened to pick up a can of pirate cake and this is as close a second to the while that I 1st experienced the nightcap not saying the tobaccos are similar just saying that while factor has to be the 2nd best tobacco that I've ever tried and will order more and more this is just a great smoke everything you could want every feeling every emotion just a great all around smoking tobacco. Not so fast! It burns cool and delivers latakia flavor like nothing else except perhaps for Penzance. This stuff, (yes stuff is the right word) is just plain brutal. That is the exact progression I went through smoking Pirate Kake. I love the presentation, two little coal black bricks of latakia doom. The tobacco's are easily discernible, and while the Latakia is up front and not hiding, they are in fact well balanced. Popped and greeted with the unmistakable aroma of a lot of Latakia. Similar Blends: Mississippi River, Hearth & Home - Ambassador's Blend (Signature Series). I even caught some orange notes amid the smoky coolness. THE BEST PIPE TOBACCO EVER. You either love Latakia or you seldom partake in it. It is obviously dark from the 75% Latakia, but the lighter Burley, and the Turkish can be seen well mixed in. I tend to like latakia in moderate doses. What I'm getting? Definitely not an all-day thing, as it would become boring. Exhale through the nose, and thats it. I like something that keeps me interested through the bowl, a little evolution, a little complexity. While keeping the flavor and satisfaction in my smokes. I got a free sample of this from smoking pipes with a recent order. Well, Pirate Kake brings back fond memories of mother dear stewing daddy?s boots in the hard winter of ?78. This is not a tobacco for the neophyte but for the latakia fiend who wants full-bodied spice, depth and complexity in their smoke. 2 thumbs up on this. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Pipe Tobacco Can - 2oz The burley and orientals help prevent the Latakia from being completely overpowering. While this tobacco is a little stout for my taste at this point, I did find t hat it has a great taste and aroma. Tobacco. I took the advice from one of the other commenters on this page and decided to spruce it up with some rum. I'm upping this to 4 stars and it's made it into my favourites as well. I don't think I will be buying another tin, but it was a good experience. The other reviews describe it well. Easy going. There is also an underlying sweetness to the blend too, especially when sipped slowly. The latter of which adds a nice nutty sweetness to the blend. The flavors are mostly Latakia, Latakia and a little spice from the Turkish tobaccos. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake 16 Oz Bag. I always have a couple brownies of this laying around. Latakia heaven. Give it a try. I like Latakia, but I wouldn't consider myself one that likes it to totally dominate the blend. I'm a big fan of C & D. I think they make some excellent blends and this is one of them. Whatever. Theres a topping on this caramel, prune cant place it, but theres definitely a topping. Just received it in the mail. Remarkable! Lovely tobacco to smoke but stinks like hell to all around you. It's my go-to comfort smoke. Taste was consistent. update December 2014** same batch as previous yet the past months of ageing seem to have mellowed out the baccy. Given the simplicity of its composition, one might think, a priori, that it is easily imitable, and yet, in my opinion, it has its own personality, something that I highly value in a tobacco, since some blends are like "deja vu" of others, but this does not happen with Pirate Kake. Two words describe this offering from C&D, Latakia Bomb! I had thought to contrast it with McClelland's Syrian Full Balkan (acknowledging differences between a ribbon vs. a pressed product). You may want to get a small amount to try it before you go bulk. Hookah Tobacco - The Ultimate Guide to Shisha Tobacco Brands Yes, a lot of Latakia, but I agree with several reviewers who used Pirate Kake as an example of how high Latakia content does not equate to overly strong. I recommend this strongly if you are a Latakia lover. I have to admit I sort of got into the spirit of this blend. The generous amount of smokey Latakia (75%) combined with the sweetness of the Turkish and hit of nicotine from the burley really agreed with my taste buds. Like most lat-bombs the nicotine isn't noticeable at all, but the flavor is huge. Again absolutely nothing wrong with this stuff I just think there are much better options especially within the same company for Latakia heavy blends. My new favorite. If it were consistent from top to bottom this would be a five-star rating and my number one smoke. Final thoughts: if you get bored with all the medium strength english blends, and want something a little stronger tasting then pick some of this up and throw it in your rotation for the nights when you feel you just need something extra. I give this a 3.8 out of 4 stars and it gets rounded up to 4 stars for when I turned on my ceiling fan and as I watched the smoke roll out the windows I couldn't help but laugh .Har, Har, Har. if I had close neighbors what would they think? Beautiful gray ash. Today I must up the ante yet again as I have reloaded my supply and am adding it to long term inventory plans. Pirate Kake, on the other hand, it pure Cyprian smokiness without the coolness. This stuff is fantastic with a very rich latakia taste and a elegant plume of white fragrant smoke. As an interval, you get some sweetness and more often some sourness, all this in a good way. I was a little worried that the 75% latakia was a bit of a gimmick but its nice. But, for what it's worth, I'll add my thoughts to the site. Above all, smoke it slow. Recommended. I am thrilled to find a blend where I can enjoy the flavor and spice of the Turkish without it being overpowering. The smokiness and creaminess was very addictive. This is like an Autumn bonfire made of leaves in my mouth. I smoked it in two different briar pipes: a medium-sized Orlik Captain Black billiard and a small Orlik pot. Upon the initial false light, I noticed an interesting flavor: a slightly sweet, dry, yet herbaceous taste. Surprisingly to me with such a stated high content of Latakia, mild enough to start at day break and end the evening winds. This is a niche tobacco for latlovers. 2 Stars is tepid recommendation denoting some value but not likely to buy again. If you want a more balanced english this one will be too strong on the condiment for you. The dominant terpene in this strain is pinene. Similar Blends: I agree with reviewer Pipestud 2004-08-29 that CAO's Old Ironsides is possible; only even more Latakia dense. I will now compare this to Engine 99, Odyssey & Ten Russians blends for my Lat bomb fix. Neptune's trousers! Press J to jump to the feed. I had a very tough time finding any other flavor to come through from the Burley or Turkish tobaccos. The burley is noticeable and really brings it all together. It got more pleasant towards the end of the bowl but the overall 'smokey' taste just seemed to dominate this blend. Five of five stars ------------ march 06 update. Haharrrrr!! My Boy Scout knife was recently located but I really didn't need it. It is delicious. PK dominates the weak tasting 965 but 965 does add quite a bit of oriental and nicotine which makes the combination more interesting than the components. Not a rush but a steady buzz- nice in this dept. It didn't give me a headache or make my stomach hurt, so I will keep some Pirate Kake around for when the right occasion presents itself. Right now I have it blended 50/50 with Prince Albert which mellows the smokiness a little. While perhaps one dimensional I love this rich Lat bomb in one of my English billiards. This blend lacks balance and should not be smoked by a newbie wishing to try their first English tobacco. Me: "So what is that you're smoking? tastes like salty burnt brownies, generous latakia, very robust and flavorful, a tad too spicy though and noticeable tongue bite, breaks up very easy still I like it stays lit rite out of the tin little strong for me It burns surprisingly well for a big latakia mixture and it smokes so cool youll wonder if your pipe is even lit. Have always loved the English blends due to the high Latakia and Orientals levels, which I love. It burns slow and lights easy. And like other heavy latakia blends, this one tends to make me thirsty. Pirate Cake is simply an infusion of Latakia. I like this so much! If you love latakia this is for you. I have smoked about 7 oz. IT STINKS. Product Packaging Stock MSRP Price Qty Cart. Smoky and tastygreat room note and a delight to smoke! If you like sweet stuff with your latakia this just might fit the bill. If you're looking for a better Latikia Bomb, check out Captain Earl's Stimulus Package or his Ten Russians. Sweet taste and slight reminiscence of coconut. There's not much to say about this one, except Latakia. The present tin information report: A smooth, robust blend with LOTS (75%) of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. I'm paraphrasing here, but I don't have a better description of this aroma. Firstly, this tobacco is a Lat Bomb and definitely only for latakia afficionados. I've only been smoking pipes for about, oh, two months now. No less than 70% of the dark smokey leaf goes into this blend, an amazing amount.
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