Business customers deserve special treatment when it comes to something as critical as their trucks. They shouldn’t have to be waiting in line with residential movers. Their rental trucks shouldn’t have been driven by an amateur moving their apartment goods over the weekend. They shouldn’t have to deal with employees who spend 90% of the time renting cars and just know a little about trucks.
Type of Companies we do business with
Small Companies
Big Regional Companies
In-the-Middle, but a growing Companies
Local branch of a Large National Company
Fleet Composition
Own some trucks and lease and rent some trucks
Lease trucks and not own any at all
Own you trucks and need to have them serviced
Rent and lease trucks yourself, but need a great repair shop.
Some of the types of businesses BTR is currently servicing
Delivery companies
Small manufacturer
Retailer delivering goods to your customers
Express deliveries
Deliver the mail
Deliver gasoline
Trim trees
Clothe the poor
Bring vintage wine to the table
Cater fabulous parties
Print everything from marketing materials to annual reports
Restock the mall with clothes and shoes.