Get a PL, swarm lower level content, do some HAs. Katta Castrum: The Deluge (Guild Hall, TP using Drowned Katta Castrum Powerstone) - The elementals that are found in this zone now are pretty easy to kill. There are a few provided for you by the game, but the vast majority of the world is gonna be uncharted and you will need reliable maps. This area is great if you're a paladin as you can slay the undead and stun out the worst of the damage from the Erudite necromancers. It's Hills of Shade all over again. There are a lot fewer mobs as you go up in levels and it's much easier to head to City of Mist at 42-43 and crush out the last few levels really fast. Sadly neither zone is a hot zone. From the time your mercenary dies to the time you can Rez him is 5 minutes, just like when you'd suspend him. The gear isn't great but you will be earning so many Marks that you will be able to outfit yourself completely very very easily every 5 levels. Commands - EQWiki With a group of actual people, this place is awesome though. Thanks for pointing that out. I recommend you donate to him for his grinding guides as well. As of the Terror of Luclin expansion, the best mercenary equipment is "Vigilant", which is obtained in The Burning Lands zones. It's by far the fastest and is almost as easy as the Gribble missions. Just be kind and patient. Pretty much all the critters assist each other though. This zone is also a hot zone some times so it can go even faster than it already is. Some players are reporting trouble verifying their email address. This is Tier 4 for Veil so things hit hard, but not that hard. They are in the places where the guards used to be. BEST: 38-48 City of Mist(PoK>Field of Bones>Emerald Jungle>City) - This is will very likely be some of the fastest leveling you will do. Thank you! They hit like trucks and run though, so bring a snare. Each time I go back I wander for 5 minutes lost until I log again. Bastion of Thunder (62-68)(PoK>Plane of Tranquility>Torden, Bastion of Thunder) - The giants and bees of Thunder are excellent exp. Q: How does shrouding effect my mercenary? Any necro will out dps a merc by a factor of 2 at least and up to a factor of 6 or 7. If you're geared up or grouped, kill iksar golems as well. When you get a new mercenary, it starts at Level 1 with only a single ability. A: No. Don't accidently attack Lhranc if you see him. They complete heal and can do it 7 or 8 times in a row. PL ALTERNATIVE: 'Hatching a Plan' mission next to PoK standalone bank. Also you don't have to worry about paying them until around level 12. Their levels and abilities will scale appropriately and they will think and act for themselves with limited player guidance. Considering how easy it is to level on live these days, just paying for one month while you level to 110 is plenty. This access to at least 2 nameds that I am aware of. You might not even need to spend 10 dollars, since DBG gives you 500 Daybreak Cash a month. Once level 4-5, go over the bridge to the north and kill young pumas, bears, and more drakes. You will be teleported to Ethernere Tainted West Karana and now attuned to the Dead Hills. Mob HP is ridiculously low since this is a vanilla zone and these levels go by without much attention having to be paid. I didn't realize how good this zone was until I was recently leveling and grouped with a guy who dragged me out here. A zone you are having a lot of trouble with can be made WAYYY easier if you get a full set of buffs. When do I have to upgrade him? Maybe talk about Guard Hanarn or Harnan? Mostly you'll be killing oashim rats and wraiths in the bottom right portion of the Tier 2 section. This amounts to tens of thousands of AA's. Start killing everything around the front of the zone. Q: Mercs sound great, but I'm just coming back to the game and they sound expensive. If you're having trouble making your mercenary level with you suspend him and go AFK for a few minutes. With an 85 druid can pl 20-65 in about 6 hours with the druid un-grouped and DS'ing whilst PL'd toon does at least of one point of dmg. The area is populated by honored citizens, exalted citizens, respected morticians, and dutiful cleaners. The zone is very well spaced. You can pull 3-4 at a time easily and pretty quickly kill them all, moving out toward the docked ships to get higher level guys. Question - - AFK Merc XP guides? | RedGuides: EverQuest Multi-boxing The key is the respawn time for the zone. 1 High-Level Character Outside Group 1.1 50% Killing 2 Damage Shield Power Levelling 2.1 AE Damage 2.2 Damage Shields 2.3 Executing the Strategy 2.4 Levelling Path 2.5 Other Tips 3 Swarming 3.1 Swarming Path 3.2 Ghetto-Swarming 4 Headshot 5 Twinking 5.1 Weapons 5.2 Haste 5.3 Hitpoint Regeneration 5.4 AC and Hitpoints 5.5 Potions (Using ISBoxer is useful to this; please reference my other guide for info) It doesnt matter what the composition is of your 3 box team. The final camp here I am aware of is back inside the castle area on the way to the back of the zone. The other big benefit is that you get Marks of Valor, which can be spent on gear in Ethernere Tainted West Karana. In comparison to their equivalent in Underfoot, the mobs are vastly easier. A FABLED VERSION OF THE NAMED WILL EVENTUALLY APPEAR AND ROFLSTOMP YOU SINCE HE WILL BE AROUND LEVEL 75. The Simple and Rough sets will leave you well off. This is a picture of the window you'll see when first purchasing a Mercenary. The old school Journeyman Rank 5 mercenary questline takes place here if you want to do it. Aggressive: If you or any group member is attacked, your merc will attack. Talk to Marla Gaslow. Spend 48-52 in the area around where you zone in and the northern areas of the zone. Efficient: This stance causes your Mercenary to focus primarily on efficiency and preservation of resources. Also please note the races that can be clerics are the only races allowed to be healers, same goes for tanks. ALTERNATIVES: Argath (88-92)(Guild Hall>Buy Chunk of Argathian Steel>TP to Argath, Bastion of Illdaera) - I only put this here because it is a hotzone and because of that, isn't bad. BEST : Plane of Fire (62-68(72))(PoK>PoTranq>Plane of Fire) - Grab yourself a levitate and float your way into the first city area of Plane of Fire. In this Project 1999 EQ video I show a 6 minute spawn camp that can take you all the way to level 60! He will very likely murder you if you do. These levels will come steadily and you will very likely never be overwhelmed. How this guide works: Player Level refers to the "sweet spot" level range for the player to both gain good experience while still being able to be effective (landing spells/melee) This doesn't mean you must be between this level range. Just be careful about aggro. When people return to EverQuest from an extended absence, they always ask wheres the best place to level and grind AAs. That is how GMs check. I don't know personally, just putting it here on their recommendation. This works out to 4 AA (6 AA on Test) an hour while AFK. unsure if they removed it or not). Velkator's Laboratory (45-55)(PoK>Great Divide>Velk's) - This place has grown on me a lot. There is another soldier camp down here in the dead center south of the zone, by the Sarith zoneline. It's called No Heroism Without Fear and begins at Investigator Drolmer. You cannot shroud to level 10 and keep a level 50 mercenary however. OPTIONS(96-100): To me at this point, there is no best place to go. Rengar is an aggressive early jungler, with really good skirmish potential during early game, so you want to get as many opportunities to take over the game in the first 10 minutes of the game. BEST (90-96): Valley of Lunanyn (Guild Hall>Buy Chunk of Argathian Steel>TP to Argath, Bastion of Illdaera>Valley of Lunanyn) - I sincerely hate that this is still true, but the Valley is still hard to beat in this range mostly because of the unique way the zone is setup. your mercenary comes equipped with the armor and weapons he needs. Mercs make leveling a million times easier so you can catch your friends and start playing with them! Stay away from the air giants though. It's still confusing, you slipslide everywhere, mobs are invisible, pathing is terrible, and you get vertical aggro. Finally the yeti caves are a decent camp as well, offering two named yeti and if no one is doing the cockatrice then those two nameds as well. It's also a MONSTER of a run as Jungle and Trak's Teeth are enormous zones. There a couple of hallway corners that are mostly safe as well, but you have to kill to them and that can be dangerous. EQ:Leveling :: Wiki :: EverQuest :: ZAM In order to hire a mercenary meet at least one of the following conditions: Own the Age of Discovery expansion (having purchased when it was a new release). ALTERNATIVES: Arcstone(67-75)(Guild Hall, talk to portal crystal vendor and buy Arcstone Spirit Sapphire) - I really recommend this place to people with Undead control or slaying abilities. Kill everything. They have low HP, but can hit hard with spells and melee. They are undead and you will reap them with Slay Undead/Ward Undead line spells. Only downside is that it's a hell of a run out to it. They are all undead. A lot of factors can go into a group or solo play. You won't be able to use it until 10 or 15 respectively, but you don't need it before then. In the event Trakkanon is up, he will probably eat your face, so stay out of his room if he is until that friendly farmer shows up to farm him. At 8-9 go to the last cave that is next to the little paddle thing on the lake and kill bears. It gives you access to Journeyman mercs and probably over 10k AAs at this point in Auto-Granted AAs. Watch out for the clerics if you don't have a solid interrupt. The nameds drop pretty sick gear and hit WAY easier than the ones in the Nightmare zones. You dont really explain where things are/how to get there. Playing live has a few benefits. Create a free website or blog at But first about the zone. Split or tank em, however your group is set up. Everquest Leveling Guide 1 - 95 - MMORPG Tips By MMORPG.GG This is a short guide addressing the need of returning players. Those are raid mobs and will have mechanics you won't be able to deal with even if you could fight them. Get invisibility on a character who can rez or has a healer merc at least. ). I know there are a LOT of mobs you can access off this area, but have no idea what nameds if any are common here. You can get a little more life out of the zone by acquiring one of the temporary keys that let you teleport up to Grieg's spawn point. Just be careful as sometimes this zone is level boosted for Hardcore Heritage. Don't bother with one of the far flung camps. I forget about that guy. This ability, when activated, transports you back to your starting city. It looks pretty though. Very simple. At 70 though, it starts to seriously lose it's luster. BEST: (14-18)-30 Blightfire Moors (Crescent Reach>Blightfire Moors) - If you came in at 14, kills snakes and rats that are between the CR zone line and the PoKnowledge book. Glass cannon mobs, simple pulls, a real honest to god tank can easily take 2-3 at a time. EverQuest Leveling Guide - Fastest Leveling Zones in EQ 2022 Mobs are tightly packed in some places and lots of classes who can swarm like to swarm here because of it. Any of the weapon and armor loot from nameds will sell for 300-400 plat. Slaughter everything you get your hands on that isn't a friendly dragorn. If you need to learn more about your class, see our Class Guides for builds and info. BEST (84-92): The Grounds/Erudin Burning (PoK>Feerott, the Dream>House of Thule, Lower>The Grounds/Erudin Burning) - I love both of these zones. Don't ask me for how you do each HA. It'll give an Undead oriented hunting guide. At 65 I like to head up to the second levels and kill the higher level guys there. These will take you to 67-70ish, though only paladins should really try and go to 70 here via swarming. By the time you reach 110 you should be able to clear all of those with a good group by the time the first one is available. Fewer mobs for AA/Exp grinding but still very nice and slightly easier for a small group. Inside the hut talk to Mercenary Mdjal to hire a mercenary. It is SUPER useful for your entire leveling experience. Q: How much better could a Mercenary possibly make leveling? There is a quest with the platinum efreeti armor which eventually nets you a Illusion:Specter item that is sick. This is due to the way parties divide up exp. Why is AFK Merc killing permitted? | EverQuest Forums Q: If the Mercenary dies do I have to buy another one? Also, once the room is broken, stand closer to the back wall of the room rather than the hallway. The east wall outside the citadel area offers constant spawns of cockatrice and a few yeti, as well as access to the two named cockatrice. Everquest AFK Leveling Missions. The boost they provide isn't significant but it is really nice and certainly speeds up the lower levels. The other major reason is Alternate Advancement Auto-Grant. Since I see a lot of people asking where do I level or is this a good spot for leveling at X, I thought I would jot down this leveling guide. The same nameds you can get from the lake are here, though I believe a named giant is the most common one. NOTE: IF THE FABLED CREATURES ARE UP, DO NOT ATTACK THE BLACK REAVER. The quests will take you from level 1 to level 10 very easily and outfit you with a full set of gear that is the equivalent of Crude Defiant gear. Edited in general directions to each zone and a blurb about the benefits of being on a live server. I've done it in as fast as 30 minutes before. That area is considered Tier 1 for the expansion. Inside the city, the Alarans come in groups of two or three or solo. Undead mobs for your paladins to slay and lots of Dark Elves to murder. Just keep in mind that kills here will feel pretty slow since the giants have enormous HP pools and half the mobs have some form of healing ability. There are also a ton of really good twink weapons to be had here, which can sell for tons of plat depending on what server you're on. Along the way, most players are going to need to grind a few thousand AAs in order to be effective at 80+ when playing their character. The mobs have varying levels of HP, but don't hit that hard in comparison to even other TDS content. Level 5 Unlocked AA: Origin. The orcs hit a little harder and stun more and as you push back, there are higher level drakkin. This room is very popular as it has access to 4 nameds (3 goblins in or very close two the big room and 1 beetle down a side corridor) and if you get lucky can very quickly have you loaded down with a full set of tier 2 EoK visible gear as well as a bunch of really good nonvis items and augs. Lots of undead for your friendly neighborhood paladins as well. However I think the mercenary's could be a little more mercenary, The other better thread on this!!!11!!!111111111111!! Multiple mercs with heals, buffs, and DPS and you can soar through here. This zone is very confusing to get into from the "front door", but if you're coming here at 48 then it's the best place to go. A properly set up box group can do everything but the final mission easily. It isn't the fastest ever, but the money is pretty great and there is rarely anyone here on live. There are numerous groups in Empires of Kunark, but lets say you're not feeling up to that yet. Some are also scattered amongst the buildings, just use "Find" to locate them. I have never played F2P so I can't tell you how to negotiate that. Everquest Leveling Guides - Almarsguides You will need an invis item or supply of Cloudy Potions though as there are a lot of living creatures between you and the undead section of the zone. The south camp is the three rooms near the Nobles Causeway zone line. It essentially serves to let you worry about leveling without stopping for AAs. EMPIRES OF KUNARK & RING OF SCALE - GETTING TO 110 Empires of Kunark is the 23rd expansion. This repop time is significantly faster than Doomfire, the Burning Lands (Plane of Fire) which is 36 minutes. Old Bloodfields (84-88)(PoK>TP to Plane of Time>Portal to The Void>Old Bloodfields) - While it won't be as good as it was as a hot zone, OBF is still a pretty good place to pick up these levels. There are better places to go.
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