In any scenario, the reader should have some sense of what magic can and cant do in the fictional world. Since the protagonists are on this side, it would remove a lot of tension. Potion-making probably would make more sense, if there was more talk about the properties of the ingredients and what they do. Those affected will suffer from chronic pain, skin lesions, and become prone to violence; but they will also gain super human strength. If a person can wield both kinds of magic, do they influence the person? Caster is Combustial, Given is Earth and rock I see the basis of a rational magic system there, and you have good limits. Learning about one doesnt give a better understanding of another. For example, if your characters can telekinetically control objects, your story will be more interesting if each character can only control a specific type of object, rather than being able to control anything they want. Some feel cohesive; others feel random. If youre working with leylines and the fabric of reality you should model the whole earth as a living thing(as it is)but not necessarily conscious, although that could add tension and the leylines and threads could be like vains in an interconnected system that gets clogged from the knots relating to all manner of natural and unnatural disasters/phenomenon and just like any living thing this system would naturally resemble a circulatory/lymphatic system with currents and nodes to regulate and cleanse said currents. With that said, I wonder why no one has replied to my previous comment on this article. If you have multiple races, or even species, who can wield magic, are there any differences between the different races and species? Awesome, thanks! Sorry, Im not quite understand this Could you please describe some spell example with such system? Does that all make sense? Hope I did well! Furthermore, it is meant to be mysterious in-story and something that not everyone has. Real transformation would be something like lead to gold, influencing the molecules to give up their bonds and settle into a new configuration (gods, it has been ages since my last chemistry lesson). Then the fight between Voldemort and Dumbledore (both of which also have that trait) would be a glance into the future of Harry himself. So what do you think? But we know some things. There are medieval books detailing how to pluck a mandrake from the ground because it was thought that they screamed when unearthed and could kill everyone who heard the scream. Group A (Comment if you have a better name), They cant stop their emotion from changing surfacing and tend to be extra emotional. A system where the only users of this magic are at first the cultists until the Heroes learn it out of necessity and self-defence, and accepting the price that it separates them farther from the group consensus of reality which is the measure by which society defines sanity, and that in fact belonging to a species of animal as social as humans are means that diverging too far from your species in the way you perceive and experience reality carries certain risks and costs to it, more or less well understood to tradition and to the majority of systems of magic because what most of these theories agree on is that the more minds believe that something is So, the more difficult it is for one individual Mind to impose a different understanding than what the Many agree on EVEN IN THE PERSONAL REALITY the putative magician themselves inhabits, and CERTAINLY if they have to use the force of their personality, belief and magic to convince other individuals that what THE MAGICIAN believes as fact is in actual good and honest coin Really So in the shared consense reality they all co-inhabit by reason of their shared belief that they do in fact have at least some things in common in their universes, enough to make a Reality of and enforce/defend it by the power of your shared beliefs. Would it be possible to gain power in your universe or is everybody limited to what talent they're born with? Because there is no sunlight and no heat, the water is frozen and white, and blankets the ground. As a general rule, antagonists can use soft magic to solve problems, even though protagonists should only use hard magic. For Interferers to use magic energy, they have to maintain physical contact with a Condit, and if they lose contact they have to use up their remaining energy quickly, as it will burst out of them randomly otherwise (in a few minutes). In Avatar, most benders can only manipulate pure water, earth, air, and fire. Incantations are used, and using the magic is mentally draining. Hard vs. soft magic is a spectrum, not a binary. It cant summon rain or make someone invisible, for instance. All magic can be learned by anyone, its just that the magic they didnt inherit will be harder to learn. Heres what you need to think about. Mistings have to ingest and burn these metals in order to use their powers. In the same way that you can learn to control your emotions, you can learn to control the magic that comes from those emotions. And for Mind and Body, Distorter will be their name. This description generator will generate a short random description of a spell, including its effect, appearance and inventor. In general, hard magic should solve problems for your protagonists, while soft magic should cause problems for your protagonists. In the Norse pantheon, Loki is sometimes also referred to as the god of fire despite the fact that hes a frost giant. Some theorize, that the Sephirot is an aspect of God, but our understanding of God is just one aspect of it, you could say the projection of its Will, in simpler terms. The first step is building a metaphysical framework for how and why magic works. This generator will give you 10 random super powers, which can range from many different types of powers, including magic and superhuman powers. If you havent seen it yet, I also recommend looking at my other post on magic systems: its better suited to creating effects that are varied and complex. Thats because Disney movies are based on fairy tales and fairy tales dont write up rules for magic. Theyre bodies cant store energy, thats a Condit thing. They have to learn magic to use it. This article helped me go back to the basics and think about what the rules would have to be to make the magic make sense. I will say that I do enjoy thinking about all of these issues. If there are important mines in your world, for example, it might make sense for magic to come from metals. Martin Magic System Rating: 1 (Because Magic) Martin is writing a purposeful deconstruction of epic fantasy tropesincluding magic systemsand has actually put some work into making his magic frustrating and inconsistent beyond a few broad-stroke rules (there's definitely some like-for-like business, with equivalent sacrifices needed to produce an . It violates local conservation laws and relativity (whats simultaneous in one reference frame is not in other frames). Now the fall is a far more distant memory, and one less likely to be associated with mages, but the habit has become too ingrained to change. It worked well, but it had to be named before it became important to the plot. The Given is normally in for 3-7 year. If the story needs someone to tell Luke and the others on the Falcon something terrible happened at the other end of the galaxy, the Force can provide Obi-Wan with the necessary information through a vision of sorts. Thanks to this article I have been able to advance my magic system up from the basics and I just want to run this by someone who is not me: My magic system is called Paint. The size of those continental plates and their placement on the planet would be an arbitrary effect of nature, and so the magic they generate might reflect those arbitrary characteristics. Toward the last point, I think the inclusion of old magic in reference to Lilys motherly love protecting Harry I believe is more for the benefit of the themes of love and goodness triumphing over evil and hate (Rowling was dealing with grief toward her own mothers death while writing). All you need are the right ingredients, follow the right steps, and have the right mindset. a creative air bender could do a lot with access to elite skills. Some get better with time, some get worse. Oh wow, thats a steep price for magic. I have recently, but have wrote before, in my world created a new magic systems. The Sorcerers faction includes wizards and witches and then theres sub factions with in the faction that include the like of temptresses, necromancers and others I cant seem to remember though I have them written down somewhere. Crafting a hard magic system can be a complex endeavor, though soft magic systems also require a bit of care and attention to develop. Caster is Hydro, Given is Ice Lets say magic is generated by the vibration of continental plates, and each continental plate vibrates at its own frequency, creating different effects. They grow larger and in summer they enjoy the fullness of a mature plant life. The brain does use relatively weak energy for thinking, so that would not reach far. Its crazy long but definitely adds logic to the system :D and its a nerdy heaven. Many fantasy authors incorporate magic into their stories simply because fantastical abilities are a fun means of escapism. There are two types of people in this world, Conduits and Interferers (though Inteferers prefer to be called Whisperers). Could you perhaps link the tides and the moon? There are roughly two magic systems. Moon magic is cyclic in its strength, strongest during a full moon and weakest during the new moon, and is also weak during the day. Im working on setting up a writing blog on WordPress, mirroring it to tumblr. I would also like to point out that alchemy is not a religion, but an admittedly partially superstitious precursor to chemistry. There are hundreds or even thousands of magical techniques and spells that a magician can learn. Calm Creature. Magical properties are randomly given to some creatures and elements (eg: Fire breathing dragons, Gem stones that arent affected by gravity)- this type of magic is Irational but still has rules (depending on each specific example), But the most common form of magic is the one humans can control- this is a rational hard magic that is all about Energy, our ability to create & manipulate it. If you combine spells you'll get something similar to fighting together as one being, shield against shield to maximize the defense and striking with swords at the right time (like Roman armies did). Can magic be used incorrectly or immorally? As fun as fantastical powers can be to write, crafting your magic system with care is key. When a mage makes a contract with a spirit, what are they paying with? In both these cases, its their clever problem-solving that saves them, not the power of the magic itself. Sandersons Third Law. Its origin is with the creation of all life itself and the first humans: Black and White. On the other hand, there could be a group of people allergic to the plant. Hard magic is one where the audience knows about the rules of magic, so it seems to me that your mention of convey[ing] the rules of your system might actually be referring to hard magic. Oh! the primary topics discussed in a story). (As a side note, I mentioned teleportation because it would help get the various alien species in my universe together quickly so there could be stories based on interaction between them. magic system. Naturally, youll want a few people in your setting with powers that are unusual among magic workers. But usually a person can only ever do one of those three (create, increase or decrease), and only do it for a certain energy type. Of course, its possible. I think that should cover it, and I hope to get more advice to help me become a better creator. Mystical Paths A slightly humorous generator that produces new mystical practices for characters. My main question is whether you think the weaving should be specialized; i. e., should I break it up into different types of thread/weaving style/knots? Why is it important for a hard magic system to have rules? I wouldnt work with spells with such a system. > how are you handling the problem that (I would imagine) youd have to assign EVERY object/environ in your game world a energy attribute/variable. So thats where the other two paragraphs of my previous comment come in. Hermione explains this to Ron in the seventh book when he mentions bringing food out of nowhere. There are a few online articles about this: the ones I remember off the top of my head are Universal Fire and Universal Law, found on LessWrong. All of nature is in motion and all of natures motion serves to restore its own balance. The difference between the two is obvious as soon as you watch the show. If they are limited, its usually not by some universal magical law, but rather a handicap in their source of power. Like species in our world evolved so did the magic in their world, with their ancestors using a specific type of magic and pased it down it just became a part of them. Want an offline version of this generator with editing, printing and saving? As far as the potions are concerned specific plants have always been said to possess magical properties, which is why they are used in the potions. First of all, you need to figure out what both types of magic can do. Is it connected to religion or religions of your world (since something based on the principle of good and bad [if you have to keep that, use evil instead of bad] should have a connection to religion)? That means every control over them would be on the molecular level, manipulating the molecules and atoms to speed up or slow down or (for changes) change their configuration. Is magic (or the source that fuels it) a limited resource in your story world? Dont be afraid to try something novel. Its the same with a story. Its not just about the energy needed to transform a body into energy and then back into mass, its also about controlling where the second transformation takes place (splicing would be a problem or manifesting through matter its what cost Heimlich from the Brian Helsing series his right lower arm). The cycle of plants harnessing sunlight and Mother taking it back everyday is no longer considered a mystery, but an accepted fact of life. And the HPMOR fanfic mentioned above is about a Harry who does want to find out this why although I dont think it succeeds at conveying this particularly well in the story itself.). If youd like I can send you a link and you can follow along as I figure stuff out (dont want to clog up your comments section). If so, what differentiates them? Some prices for their cooperation can even be steep, such as sacrificing something precious or offering up ones soul. In a rational system, there would be an explanation for how magic works where it comes from, what limits there are, how it is used. That goes for magic as well as for everything else. Just a drop in, but your explanation of the plant use in relation to magic should be credited to Robin McKinleys use of it in the Hero and the Crown when the MC eats the Surka plant.. it almost seems like this is your reference base. Im now looking for consistency. 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